Tuesday, November 25, 2008

CC's Thoughts!

Now it's my turn...Spencer has to step aside for a bit! I wanted to get a bit of me up on this blog, a few photos and stuff. Being a wife and mom takes up everything plus some more, but...I still have another side of me that gets to "come out" every so often. My favorite things: quiet time to read, listening to loud music (all kinds) and singing along, lunches with friends, date nights, movies, book club, girl trips. I could go on and on, oh yeah, rollerblading of course (don't do much of that anymore)! It's been 3 years that we've lived out here, it's was a very difficult move for me. I look back and think, why? Well, I lived and grew up in the same area my whole life...I had my network of people and like my little old house. I loved the weather (still do) and the convenience of the area we lived in. A girl in our ward who was moving also knew of my concerns and told me: don't worry...there are great people everywhere! She had moved many times and that was her experience. I hoped she would be right and guess what, she was. It took time to acclimate to the heat (it gets hot) and stop sweating like a pig. After about 2 years I was doing better in that regard, lovely. But the friends I have here are so fun to be with! I love to laugh be silly and act like a kid. I can do that w/ a handful of others who feel similar. Each of us are unique and different but also so much alike. It's a true blessing to be living here and wouldn't change it at all. Yearly Disney Trip Twilight @ Midnight

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